Glory Center – December 2021

Glory Center Posting – December 2021



Luke 2: 10-14


“On a night of promise long ago,

When a star announced the light of hope

To a world that knew no peace before

The holy child of peace was born.

But he stirred their longing deep within

For his kingdom knew no end.

From a place eternal high above

The wonderous child of peace had come.

Child of comfort, child of light.

Hope that drowns away the night.

Touch our lives from heaven above;

Oh, child of peace, we need your love.


In a world where peace eludes us still

Where the heart exerts its will

At a time when words are not enough

Oh, child of peace we need your love.

Oh, man of peace we need your love.

God who only knows our need

Come to us , oh child of peace.”


~Posted by Rev Kathryn Bindig, MDiv. MS; Pastoral Care Minister

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Suite 113
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