Our life is a gift given to us by God. It is always changing.  As it is written in the book of Ecclesiastes; “to everything there is a season: a time to be born & a time to die, a time to weep & a time to laugh, a time to mourn & a time to dance....”.  Beauty & suffering are woven together as we move through our days experiencing both joy & sorrow, health & illness, hope & despair, justice & injustice.  In some seasons we live in the light & in others we live in darkness.

Eternal Divine Light

From the beginning of time & across the vast majority of faith traditions, “Light” has been associated with the Divine Holy Being; God our Creator.  We read in the book of Genesis that “Light” was the first thing God created & itself is often used as a metaphor for God, who illuminates all seasons of our life for us.  When we are in the presence of physical light, as well as Divine Light, which refers to God, we can see things much more clearly.  We can walk forward in our lives in a more confident & balanced way with less fear, avoiding the obstacles in our way & noticing things of beauty that reflect the Light of God.  There is JOY & HOPE when we are walking in the Light, for fear & pain are lessened.  As previously stated, in all of life there is both beauty & suffering & darkness & Light. Though it would be nice, it is impossible to live only in the “Light”. “Where there is light, there must be shadow, where there is shadow there must be light. There is no shadow without light & no light without shadow.”  It is how we live in each season, whether in a season of light or a season of darkness that shapes our life.

God created Light that illuminated the world & shattered the darkness & it was good.  He separated the Light from the darkness. The Light of God can never be extinguished regardless of how dark it may seem.  “Divine Light shines in the darkness & the darkness will not over come it.”

Darkness may arise & be experienced in many different ways; in seasons of grief & sorrow, in seasons of illness, in seasons of despair & hopelessness, in seasons of doubt & fear, & in seasons of injustice.  Light may arise & may be experienced also in many different ways; in seasons of celebration, in seasons of joy, in seasons of hopefulness, & in seasons of justice.  All of God’s people have experienced & will continue to experience many seasons of Light & many seasons of darkness throughout our lives, some of them in our own personal lives & some in the world at large.  However, in spite of that fact & regardless of the particular situation, the Divine Light of God will always break into that darkness & outshine the darkness, perhaps not immediately, but the Divine Light always will overcome the darkness of life & in that reality lies our hope.

Did you ever notice that God often brings Divine Light into our personal lives & into the world at those times when we are in our darkest season & shatters the dark? It could be when we are in the darkness of a serious illness, or the darkness of deep grief & sorrow, or the darkness of doubt & fear.  On a larger scale it could be when the world is in its darkest season, when hatred, fear, injustice, discrimination & hopelessness are flourishing.

Life is a journey that unfolds as we go. We may make all sorts of plans as we move through our various seasons but the truth is, we never really know what lies ahead for us. What we do know is that regardless of what season we find ourselves in as God’s children, created in God’s image, we are “children of the Light” & as such we are called to walk in that Divine Light. Though there may be darkness around us, as we go forward on our path of life, as children of the Light, we know that we are surrounded by this Divine Light & in God’s time the darkness of; fear, pain, & doubt, will be shattered by the inextinguishable Light of God & joy & hope will heal all suffering. We can rest in knowing that the Divine Light of God in time, will heal all the wounds of the darkness. We do not need to know or see where we are going or what is next for us. All we need to do is to stay on the path & walk to the edge of the Light that is given.  God will lead us to whole joyful healing. That is His promise to all of His children & that is the good news of this day.

 ~By Rev Kathryn Bindig MDiv. MS; Spiritual Consultant with assistance from Rich Muscatello; Director of Business Development & Strategy

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