These inspirational Scriptural based writings, related to challenges, faith, hope, grief, & healing are posted monthly in IHG waiting rooms & the Glory Center to reflect upon, grow from & apply to daily living.
Jeremiah 31: 31-33 Luke 3: 2b-6
I think as Christians about to celebrate the birth of God’s only Son, our fully human- fully divine Lord & savior, we need to pause amidst all our rushing around & re-think what we mean when we say we are preparing for Christmas. Somehow, all this superficial racing around & self-imposed pressure in the name of preparing to receive God’s gift to us, just does not make any sense, does it?
Jeremiah 3: 31-33 Luke 3: 2b-6
As believers preparing to celebrate God’s Holy gift of Jesus among us, we are called in faith to open our hearts to let Jesus come into our being through prayer, the Holy Word, & worship.
Included in this November writing are some verses from the Bible to help us all lift up a renewed sense of gratitude & praise to God the giver of all life.
Included in this November writing are some verses from the Bible to help us all lift up a renewed sense of gratitude & praise to God the giver of all life.
Genesis-Revelation, Psalm 104, Acts 2:2-4
The wind, the breath of God, is a Holy gift in whatever form it may come to us. Regardless of where we live or what race or culture or season we are living in, God endlessly breathes His life-giving Holy Spirit into us & around us & gives us life whether we are in a season of beauty or of suffering.
Genesis-Revelation, Psalm 104, Acts 2:2-4
Though God is the connecter of us all through His sacred covenant made with us, through all our seasons of life, He uses us to spread His love & life as we walk with one another carried & filled by His breath.
As beautiful as life can be, there truly is suffering in life. Sometimes the suffering is so intense that we can become overcome & literally immobilized with despair, feeling helpless & hopeless about ever being able to do anything to heal or correct whatever issue may be causing the sadness & pain. Regardless of what the form of suffering is when we experience it in our life there can be no healing if our spirits are wounded & if we become consciously or unconsciously disconnected from God. We need God in order to survive & to heal from the suffering that comes upon us in life.
The more we realize how much God loves us, the easier surrendering becomes. Trials in life should not surprise us, nor cause us to doubt God’s faithfulness.
Matthew 11:28 & Isaiah 55: 10-11
Sometimes things outside of our control are set before us in life that make it a challenge for us to feel grateful to God & to rejoice. However, in our heart of hearts as well as from the biblical accounts, we know God created all life & therefore there is wholeness & goodness in all things from God. It is His will that we are made whole. He hears our cries & welcomes us to come to Him through His healing grace.
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