These inspirational Scriptural based writings, related to challenges, faith, hope, grief, & healing are posted monthly in IHG waiting rooms & the Glory Center to reflect upon, grow from & apply to daily living.
Through His Holy Spirit, the wind blows as God breathes His life-giving breath into us & around us & gives us life whether we are in a season of beauty or of suffering.
Through His Holy Spirit, the wind blows as God breathes His life-giving breath into us & around us & gives us life whether we are in a season of beauty or of suffering.
The Bible tells us that from the very beginning of creation God dearly loved all the human beings that He created in His image & called them His Beloved children. Beloved children of God is who we are. Being Beloved children of God is our identity, the core of our existence.
Our physical, mental, & spiritual health depends on staying grounded in our true unchanging identity. Our true identity as a Beloved child of God is anchored beyond all earthly challenges & brings our body, mind, & spirit into balance & harmony which enables us to experience whole healing as we witness for God.
This is a season of growth. As we reflect on God our Creator’s creation & new life, we can’t help but be both overwhelmed & humbled at the amazing wonder of the gifts & graces of God’s creative & redemptive hand, each of which contains & thus reflects the very heart of God.
The first commandment God gave to humankind, was to take care of all His creation. That is our calling, that is our purpose, to glorify God through our living, protecting God’s awesome creation, which of course includes loving, helping, & spiritually feeding one another.
There are moments & times throughout our lives when God’s time intersects with our chronological time & it is at those moments when all time stands still.
As we step into this season of new life, God is inviting us all to trust in His radical grace & to recognize & receive His gift of His Divine presence with us each & every day, for it is the gift that will most assuredly bring new life.
“Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord”
3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suite 113
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752
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