These inspirational Scriptural based writings, related to challenges, faith, hope, grief, & healing are posted monthly in IHG waiting rooms & the Glory Center to reflect upon, grow from & apply to daily living.

The Gift of Presence: Part 2

March 4, 2020

The Gift of Presence: Part 2

If we take the opportunity to intentionally quiet the noise of the outside world & rest in communion with God our Creator, these days can be a time for healing & the growth of our spirit for the new life promised.

Sweet Hour of Prayer

March 3, 2020

Sweet Hour of Prayer

A posting from the Glory Center; Inspired Health Group's Spiritual Arm

Healing Power of Unbounded Love: Part 1

February 3, 2020

Healing Power of Unbounded Love: Part 1

God’s Love is steadfast, inclusive, unconditional & unending regardless of the storms that assail it. It is one of the most powerful forces in all of life. When we live from a place of true pure undiluted Love, it has the power to heal us in mind, body & spirit & to change the lives of others when we share it with one another.

Healing Power of Unbounded Love: Part 2

February 3, 2020

Healing Power of Unbounded Love: Part 2

God’s Love is brought to full expression when we share His undiluted pure Love with one another & it is in that sharing that not only those we share God’s love with, but also we ourselves are healed & made whole.

The Dawning of a New Day: Part 1

January 13, 2020

The Dawning of a New Day: Part 1

We enter this new year in the season of the Light that shatters the darkness & brings us hope. Throughout our journey this new year, darkness will come & will go but regardless of the lurking darkness that threads its way into our lives we know that “the Divine Light of God our Creator shines in the darkness & the darkness will not overcome it”.

The Dawning of a New Day: Part 2

January 13, 2020

The Dawning of a New Day: Part 2

When we are no longer able to change our situation, we are challenged to change ourselves or our view. When we chose to journey in the Light, it affects our health in positive ways & promotes healing of our mind, body & spirit.

Celebrating with Joy & Gratitude the Divine Bounty Given: Part 1

November 11, 2019

Celebrating with Joy & Gratitude the Divine Bounty Given: Part 1

November is traditionally the month we focus on giving thanks to God, the giver of all life, for the Divine blessing of the harvest from the earth that feeds us all. Life feeds life, & all life does come from God, so regardless of the season, our response to God should be gratitude & joy for His gifts that sustain our lives every single day, not simply in one particular month.

Celebrating with Joy & Gratitude the Divine Bounty Given: Part 2

November 11, 2019

Celebrating with Joy & Gratitude the Divine Bounty Given: Part 2

How can we bridge the gap between the weight of sadness, grief & anxiety over our earthly living which from time to time we all experience & the expression of joy & gratitude that comes from our love & thanksgiving for our Creator?

Our Journey Through Life: Part 1

October 10, 2019

Our Journey Through Life: Part 1

At times the path on our journey of life is smooth, clear & fairly predictable. At those times we are able to walk in partnership with God in an unencumbered, balanced way. At other times the path is rocky & uneven & we stumble, fall & lose our way & we need help to regain the equanimity & wholeness that is God’s will & promise for us.

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The Glory Center

3671 Southwestern Blvd.
Suite 113
Orchard Park, NY 14127-1752

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